performance - 75 min
performance : Ivo Dimchev, Christian Bakalov, Marian Ivanov and Jackel
/ Why you should come to see this performance?
- it explores the border between nature and culture.
- somebody represents the hunger of all the artists with no working space on the planet.
- I ask the question: The worms or the pills !"
- we talk about a woman, who watched a movie , which she thought she wouldn't like it, but finally she did."
- the performance is in English, French , Dutch and Bulgarian and with no subtitles.
- it's dedicated to B. and S. and of course G. , Come !!!.../
Co-Production: BudaCentrum/Kortrjik, Dansand/Ostende, KaiTheater/Brussels, Fraskati/Amsterdam, Dasarts/Amsterdam, Volksroom/Ivo Dimchev, Impulstanz/Vienna, Humarts Foundation/Sofia